Coexisting with Wildlife

From the coast to the mountains to the desert to urban neighborhoods, San Diegans share this beautiful landscape with more than 320 animal species. Their role in our ecosystem can't be understated.
On this page you will find crucial information for coexisting with the diverse wildlife in our region.
Renesting and Reuniting
Coexisting with Wildlife
Bats: Coexist with Wildlife
Birds Stuck in Buildings
Coyote Conflicts
Coyote Conflicts Solutions: Why Killing Does Not Solve Conflicts with Coyotes
Coyote Hazing Guidelines
Coyotes and Large Predators: Coexisting with Wildlife
Crows and Ravens: Coexisting with Wildlife
Deer: Coexisting with Wildlife
Ducks and Geese: Coexisting with Wildlife
Fishing Line, Hooks, and Birds
Five Ways to Be a Friend to Wild Animals
Fledgling Birds
Foxes: Coexisting with Wildlife
How to Stop Wildlife from Moving In
Hummingbird: Coexisting with Wildlife
Opossums: Coexisting with Wildlife
Our Nocturnal Neighbors
Pigeons and Doves: Coexisting with Wildlife
Rabbits: Coexisting with Wildlife
Raccoons: Coexisting with Wildlife
Raptors: Coexisting with Wildlife
Rattlesnakes: Coexisting with Wildlife
Red-Eared Sliders
Rodents: Coexisting with Wildlife
Sea and Shore Birds: Coexisting with Wildlife
Skunks: Coexisting with Wildlife
Small Mammals: Coexist with Wildlife
Songbirds and Small Birds: Coexisting with Wildlife
Sprayed by Skunks
Squirrels: Coexisting with Wildlife
Windows and Birds
Project Wildlife Stories
Since 1972, Project Wildlife’s dedicated staff and volunteers have given injured, orphaned, and sick wild animals a second chance at life.
View Stories