How many pets can I have?

That depends on where you live. “Every city determines its own animal codes, and our officers step in to enforce them,” says Danee Cook, Operations Captain of the San Diego Humane Law Enforcement.
In the city of San Diego and in unincorporated areas, if you live in a residential zone, you’re limited to six dogs. Any more than that is considered a kennel. Carlsbad residents are allowed to have three dogs and/or cats. In neighboring Encinitas, four dogs are allowed in residential zones, and those living in rural residential zones can keep up to six, albeit with a minor conditional use permit. In Del Mar, residents can keep up to six dogs. Residents of Solana Beach and Santee are allowed a combined four dogs or cats. La Mesa residents can keep up to five dogs in a single-family dwelling. In Oceanside, you can have six pets total, but no more than three of them can be dogs. In Escondido, it varies based on the size of the home and how it’s zoned. For single-family homes in Chula Vista it depends on lot size, but residents in multiple-family dwellings like condo or apartment buildings are limited to two dogs, cats or a combination thereof.
Published: January 1, 2018