Animal People:
Jason Mraz
Singer, Songwriter, Activist, Fruit Farmer
Everyone knows Jason Mraz for writing musical hit after hit. He also runs a foundation for arts education and equality, and grows his own avocados. But most importantly, behind the scenes, his days are run by three musically inclined kitties – including one alum from San Diego Humane Society! In our Animal People interview, Jason shared how his cats have forever shaped his outlook on life, his daily routine and his songwriting process.

Have your cats influenced your fantastic music career?
I’ve always relied on my kitties’ feedback for good songs. If the song is terrible, the cat usually leaves the room. If the song has potential, the cat stays. If the song is great, the kitty will fall asleep. I cannot back this up with science.
Who was the first animal to make an impact on your life?
Gracie was my first cat. She may have been older than me. I’m not sure. I was young. I have pictures holding her and carrying her around. She was a fluffy ragdoll. When my parents divorced, Gracie moved in with my grandparents, who lived on a major highway. The latter detail is all I need to share. My grandfather gave her a proper burial and gravestone deep in the backyard at the edge of the woods. I would visit her for many years wondering wtf is life all about!?
And are cats still part of your life now?
I share my home with three sweet kitties. Two are strapping young farm cats, both orange tabbies who run security on our garden and house perimeter; and one giant house cat who holds down the pillows and lets me know when food bowls are empty.
Would you say your cats have changed your life for the better?
My cats are feet warmers, heart healers and belly laughers. Just saying their names calms my nervous system and cools my attitude. They mean the world to me.
My cats can sit and stare out the window, or gaze across the yard, for HOURS. They are Zen masters. I try to be like them. I sit, gaze, meditate, doodle and sing for hours without care. They taught me that. I wouldn’t be where I am without having given so much time to sitting and thinking. I can thank my cats for that.

What’s a day in the life look like for the Mraz cats?
They wake me up. Then, they immediately challenge my balance and coordination as they try to trip me up on my way to the kitchen to refresh their food and water. Throughout the day, they hover around my piano requesting me to practice. They sit on my phone to help me cut back on usage. They join me in the garden to pull weeds and spread catnip. They tell me when it’s dinner time and they let me know when its bedtime, two times of day I would otherwise forget.
And very simply, why do you think adopting animals is important?
Because all animals deserve to be in a good home!
Published: March 29, 2021